Our Staff

General Manger Christina Schur is guiding the thrift shop into the next decade. Chris was born and raised in Indiana where she was in banking. After moving to Michigan in 2010, she continued to work in that field. She married to her husband John, and between them they have seven children and ten grandchildren, who occupy much of her free time. 

2 thoughts on “Our Staff

  1. Hello to My Favorite Paw Paw Thrift Store! 🙂

    I frequent the thrift shop regularly to see if there are any new books. The vast majority of the ones currently on the shelves have been there for at least several months.

    Is it possible to do a large rotation of the current shelf occupants off, and replace them with titles kept somewhere in storage?

    And do you anticipate having another month of vastly discounted book pricing, like last June?

    Thank you!


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